peshk i madh peshk akuariumi i peshkut

Large Plastic Fish Animal Aquarium Tanks

Produktet tona kanë disa avantazhe si në vijim:

1. Better diaphaneity. It may be reach above 95% which has a clear quality equal to crystal(The scenery inside the aquarium tank may look smaller.) ,is suitable for people to watch.

2. With long service life, above 3 years compared with other material aquariums.

3.It ka gjobë pronën e resisitance motit, si dhe acid dhe rezistencë alkali;

4.Strong plasticity it can be easily shaped and processed.

5.Light self-weight , it is only half weight compared with ordinary glass, which makes the supporting withstands or the base site bear a small load, and can be convenient to transport;

6.Të gjitha llojet e produkteve akrilik, madhësia është projektuar nga konsumatori.

7.Tasteless, non-toxic to marine animals , is beneficial to survival and growth for them.

8.Easy to maintain and clean, it can be scrubbed with soap and soft cloth.

We are the professional manufacturer and importer of cast acrylic procucts.All the panels are produced with imported material.We have the ability to produce extra big and super thick acrylic sheet and have become the leader in acrylic filed.

Përveç fletës akrilike, ne jemi presion në ndërmarrjen e projektit në vijim:

swimming pool project,

oceanarium project,

waterscape restaurant project,

waterscape hotel project,

underwater landscaping project,

super big window project

super large ecological aesthetic aquarium project.

Acrylic procucts has becoming essential leisure place of luxury hotels in recent years. In a word , we will try our best to satisfy you , if you are interested in our products

Detajet e shpejta

Vendi i origjinës: Shanghai, Kinë (kontinent)
Emri i markës: Zunhai
Materiali: akrilik
Trashësia: 20-500mm
Size: Customized
Ngjyra: e qartë, Customized
Unbreakable: Transparent
Lëndë e parë: 100% e pastër e importuar Lucite.
Përdorimi i Brendshëm / Jashtë: Mbrojtja nga Veshje UV
Përdorimi i duhur: Temperatura duhet të jetë midis 0 ° C dhe 40 ° C.
Aplikime: Dritaret nënujore, Dritaret Pool, Pishina luksoze, Lifestyle luksoze ..
Garancia: 10 vjet
Transmetimi i dritës: 92%
Forca shtrënguese: 123MPa
Dendësia: 1.2kg / cm3